Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Explore Outdoors ~ Signs of Spring

 I know, I know! I made a big deal about the First Day of Spring a couple weeks ago. And for a minute there, it looked like spring might be on its way.

And then it snowed. And sleeted. And possibly hailed somewhere across the valley. But a few days ago I was out walking and noticed .... 

Spring sneaks in at different times, depending on where you live. My friends in the southern US have flowers blooming in their gardens, while those farther to the north are still sweeping snow off their porches.
What Signs of Spring do you see in your yard and around your neighborhood?

1 comment:

  1. I have plenty of flowers blooming and have for a while. I would have rather had much more winter. I do love the pussy willows. Thanks for the photo.
