
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Explore Outdoors ~ a field trip to Sapsucker Woods

 A couple weeks ago we headed up to Sapsucker Woods (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) for a wildflower walk. I can hear you asking: what about the birds? Oh, they were there - noisy and generally high in the trees where we couldn't see them. Meanwhile, the wildflowers were hanging around, close to the trail, showing off their prettiest blossoms and smiling for the camera.

wild geranium 

These are native woodland plants, found in eastern forests in North America. I think the leaves look like hands with fingers spread out.



 White trillium, another woodland native.











Jack-in-the-pulpit (above) and some fern fiddleheads (below)

Sweet woodruff - it looks like it's related to bedstraw, and it is.


a quiet spot to listen to frogs singing....

and then off to see the geese! Oh, look at those cute fluffy babies!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures - are you not overrun with the Screaming Cicadas?
