
Friday, April 29, 2022

How to Save the Earth with Small Actions

 Earth Day may have been last week, but this book reminds us that Every Day is Earth Day – and that we can, by taking small actions, make the world a better place.

Be the Change 
by Rob Greenfield and Antonia Banyard 
96 pages; ages 8-12
Greystone Kids, 2022

When Rob Greenfield was 25, he wanted to change his life so that he could live in a more environmentally-friendly way. Step one: he wrote a list of positive changes he could make, and then set out to do one action every week. He started with small steps – eating fresh food instead of packaged foods, and even gave up his car. 

In this book he hopes to inspire kids to take positive actions that will help heal the world. In fact, it’s even subtitled Rob Greenfield’s Call to Kids: Making a Difference in a Messed-Up World. It’s divided into nine chapters that focus on stuff, waste, food waste, water, energy, money, transportation, and more. 
The first few pages of each chapter give information about that aspect in our daily lives. Take “stuff” for example. We’ve got so much, but how much is necessary? Really, how many toys does a kid need? And all that stuff is not making us happier.

Then Rob talks about his own adventures in becoming more ecologically activist: letting go of possessions, trading in his car for a bike, dumpster-diving to show how much good food is wasted.

What I like about this book: At the end of each chapter, Rob shares some ideas about things kids can do, and what others are doing to help make the environment healthier. Things like planting community fruit trees, and observing Buy Nothing Day. Instead of a luxury vacation, he proposes exploring local parks and museums – and, if you can, bike or take public transportation to get there. There are lists of small things kids can do to make a difference, such as help fix leaks and turning part of a grassy yard into a garden.

Thanks for dropping by today. On Monday we'll be hanging out at Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with other  bloggers. It's over at Greg Pattridge's blog, Always in the Middle, so hop over to see what other people are reading. Review copy provided by the publisher.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Explore Outdoors ~ Not a Dandelion


The earliest wildflower on our hill is this one. 

It may look like a dandelion...
  • it's yellow
  • it's shaggy
 But it's not a dandelion.
It's coltsfoot. 

Like the dandelion, coltsfoot is introduced. And like the dandelion, people use the leaves, flower and root. Instead of salad, fritters, and coffee, coltsfoot is used to treat coughs and sore throats.

Here's how to distinguish between them:
Dandelion leaves emerge before the flower; coltsfoot flowers emerge before the leaves.

Dandelion stems are green with tiny (almost imperceptible) hairs; coltsfoot stems are a bit grayer and look like they have brownish scales on them.

Dandelion flower heads have hair all over; coltsfoot flowers have a center of bumps. Like this one.

This week we're Going On a Lion Hunt ~ 
Dandelions, that is. Look for plants with shaggy yellow flowers. Then take a closer look.
  • Stem: what color is it? how tall is it? does it have hairs?
  • Leaves: what shape are they? how long? do they grow on the stem or only at the base? do they have smooth edges? are they notched?
  • Flower: are the petals thin? are they thick? are they everywhere or is there a center?

Coltsfoot isn't the only dandelion fooler. Here are some others.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Inspiration along the Writing Journey

As we worked on Funky Fungi, Alisha and I discovered a couple of books that inspired us on our writing journey. They engaged our curiosity and prompted several conversations that led us to look more closely at the fungi surrounding us.

Entangled Life, by Merlin Sheldrake

You know it’s going to be a fun book when the first thing you read is “What is it like to be a fungus?” Merlin Sheldrake gives us a tour of the kingdom from a fungal point of view. If we want to understand how ecosystems work, we need to understand the mycorrhizal fungi beneath our feet. Fungi challenge the way we think about evolution and intelligence, even what makes an individual. 

In one chapter Merlin takes us on a hunt for truffles; in the next we watch mycelium solving a maze. My favorite, though, was the dive into lichens. Lichens are relationships between algae and fungi, but what exactly do the fungi do? Then there’s the connection of fungi with roots, and mycelial webs connecting entire forests (and other plants) into an internet of sorts. Throughout, he cites research, both past and ongoing, that contribute to our current understanding of fungi. Underlying it all is the caveat that what we think we know now will undoubtedly change as we learn more. 

Finding the Mother Tree, by Suzanne Simard 

I picked up a copy of this book the day it hit the bookstore. I love how Suzanne Simard took me right into her world of trees. Born and raised into a logging world (the rainforests of British Columbia, Canada), she spent her days learning about – and from – the trees surrounding her. In this memoir, she writes about her work in forestry and her research in the forests. Suzanne’s language transported me deep into the northwest forests. Reading it on my porch on warm summer days, I could almost smell the pine needles and the earthy soil of the rainforest.

The book’s focus is Dr. Simard’s studies on how trees communicate through underground mycelial networks, how they care for each other and mount defenses against natural enemies. I particularly liked the sections where she detailed the methods of her scientific inquiry. She does not gloss over the hard work: fencing study sites, transplanting trees, digging, watering, camping out, even the failures due to weather and other elements. And there were plenty of failures – that’s part of the scientific method, right? 

Nor does she gloss over how the scientific community responds to new ideas that challenge the status quo. By the end, I gained a better understanding about the connectedness of the “Mother Tree” that nurtures the forest. More important, I gained appreciation for how important these underground connections are for the survival of both forest and human. 

Remember to check out our Funky Fungus Fridays over at my author Facebook page, and Alisha’s #FungiFriday posts on Twitter

Check back next month for another post about our book-writing journey.  Funky Fungi, 30 Activities for Exploring Molds, Mushrooms, Lichens, and More is part of the Chicago Review Press “Young Naturalists” series. You can find out more about our book at the publisher’s website. It will hit bookstore shelves in two months, but you can pre-order it at your favorite local bookstore, or online at

Friday, April 22, 2022

A Lullaby for Endangered Babies

Where the Wee Ones Go: A Bedtime Wish for Endangered Animals  
by Karen Jameson; illus. by Zosienka 
36 pages; ages 3-5
‎Chronicle Books, 2022

theme: animals, sleep, conservation

When the stars are out and the moon’s above, 
where do the wee ones go, my love?
Where do the wee ones go?

The sweet lullaby that is this book takes children around the world to see how baby animals go to bed. An orangutan baby snuggles on its mama’s chest, a koala cozies up in mother’s pouch, and a condor chick is safely wedged on a rocky ledge. From rainforest caves to savannah plains to rocky cliffs high above the ocean, each baby animal has a warm, safe place to fall asleep.

What I like about this book: The text is so lyrical it is like reading a lullaby. These gentle rhymes will rock even the most reluctant youngster to sleep. Whether it’s an otter mom and babe drifting hand-in-hand upon the ocean swells or baby hippos draped across their mothers’ backs, the gentle rhythm and rhyme will sooth the savage beast. 

The illustrations are filled with soft colors and soft edges. Images add details about the habitats, such as strands of leafy seaweeds wrapped around the otters. 

This is a perfect book for Earth Day – or any day – as it spotlights the bedtime rituals of some of the most endangered animals on our planet. While there is a brief author’s note on the copyright page, I was left wishing for back matter. 

Karen was kind enough to answer One Question:

me: Can you talk about how you chose which endangered animals to feature in the book? 

Karen: My research started with a world map of endangered animals from the San Diego Zoo website.  I wanted to represent a variety of animal classifications - mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. - from around the globe.  Geography and habitats were purposefully woven into the stanzas to give a true sense of the animals' homes in the wild. Of course, being a bedtime book for young children, the animals' diverse sleep habits were key, as well. From otters wrapping their babies in kelp, to condors perched high on rocky ledges, and polar bears in dens of snow, each animal has its own unique way of sleeping.

Beyond the Books:

How do the animals living around you go to sleep? Maybe you have pets… or there are squirrels and birds that live in your backyard or neighborhood. What sorts of nests and beds to they make?

What is your going-to-sleep ritual? And what sort of warm and safe nest do you go to sleep in?

Karen is a member of #STEAMTeam2022. You can find out more about her at her website.

Today we're joining Perfect Picture Book Friday, an event where bloggers share great picture books at Susanna Leonard Hill's website. Review copy provided by the publisher.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Explore Outdoors ~ Maple-Watching


Red maple has two seasons of color: early spring when their bright red flowers open, and early fall when their leaves turn red. The flowers appear before the first leaves - our maples began blooming around April 10th this year. Later in the spring, before the leaves are fully developed, the trees produce winged samaras which spin like helicopters as they are released. The samaras are (you probably guessed) ... red!
Other maples produce their flowers at different times, and the sugar maple doesn't release its samaras until fall. So there's plenty of time to maple-watch.

This week look at the deciduous trees in your yard and neighborhood. Those are the trees that lose their leaves in the fall.
  • Do they have flowers? What do they look like?
  • If they have flowers, are insects visiting them? Which insects?
  • Do the trees have their leaves yet? What do they look like?
Find a tree with flowers that you like. Then visit it as often as you can and take photos as it changes over the seasons. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Inspiring Readers to Save the Planet ~ by Christy Mihaly

Happy Earth Week! The first Earth Day in 1970 focused on air and water pollution. Back then, factories spewed so much oil into water that rivers caught fire. Air pollution gave people cancer. But folks generally assumed this was the price of "progress." 

Christy appreciates water!
Rachel Carson's 1962 book, Silent Spring, helped wake Americans up, and Earth Day inspired broad action. I celebrated the first Earth Day with the Girl Scouts, collecting trash at a creek. But in 1970, we didn't appreciate the full extent of the manmade crises facing Earth. 

Today, I worry kids may see climate change as too big to solve, too daunting to fight. But then I watch young people, teens and younger, raising their voices, demanding action, inventing solutions. There's hope. 

That's why I write what I write. I want to give kids information and incentive to save the planet. Books have the power to do that.

I recently wrote a picture book about water. Why water? It's an ordinary, everyday substance—and central to life. I lived a couple decades in California, where water is often scarce. I worked with diverse stakeholders to negotiate a fair division of the waters of the Sacramento River system (leaving enough for the fish), because users held legal "rights" to an amount of water that exceeded the actual flow. Moving to Vermont in the 2000s, I was struck by the moist greenness and the ubiquity of streams and ponds. But I saw that even where water is so plentiful, we must steward it. 

In Barefoot Books WATER: A Deep Dive of Discovery, I wanted to share my deep appreciation of the science and the wonder of water. Working with the talented Barefoot Books team, we developed an engaging, interactive book.

We created a "water droplet" (fictional cartoon character) to offer funny comments and fun facts. We incorporated experiments, activities, and calls to action for that hands-on element, adding flaps and gatefolds too. And while we confirmed that all infographics and illustrations were scientifically accurate, we left room for the amazing illustrator, Mariona Cabassa, to explore the world of water with colorful, imaginative scenes. 

I used playful language, noting, for example, that water is a "shape-shifter," and wrote poetic passages as well. Together I hope that all these aspects of the books help WATER to capture kids' interest and passion and inspire them to be water stewards.

Thank you for joining us today, Christy.  I chatted with Christy about her book, WATER  back in October over at the GROG Blog. And she shares some hands-on water exploration activities on Patricia Newman's Lit Links blog here. You can visit Christy's website here.

Friday, April 15, 2022

How to Build a Human

 How to Build a Human: In Seven Evolutionary Steps 
by Pamela S. Turner; illus. by John Gurche 
176 pages; ages 10-13
‎Charlesbridge, 2022

This book tells the story of a winding evolutionary path of just one of the millions of species that have evolved on this planet over the last 3.5 billion years or so. It is the story if us, Homo sapiens, and boy, what a long, strange trip it’s been. Because, as author Pamela Turner points out, understanding our evolutionary history by looking at the fossil record “is like trying to figure out a complex movie plot based on just a few screenshots.”

Pamela distills the history of the human species into seven easy pieces. Okay, not so easy, because our human ancestors were tested by the environment every step of the way. And those traits that aided survival were passed on to ensuing generations.

The first step: Standing Up. Is walking on two legs more advantageous than walking on four? Apparently for our evolutionary pathway – at least so far. Next step: We Smash Rocks – aka: creating and using tools. Fact is, humans aren’t the only animal to use tools. Chimps use twigs to extract termites from logs, and crows use tools as well. But we are the only animal to use one tool (rock) to craft another tool (sharp edged flake for cutting). Other steps include: migrating, using fire, developing language, and telling stories. 

What I like about this book: Pamela makes it clear that there are often more than one species of hominids living at the same time, representing multiple ways to solve the problem of living in their landscape. Aside from her straightforward explanation of natural selection, I enjoyed the occasional footnote. I also like her explanation of how natural selection works on whatever is there. “A trait doesn’t have to be perfect or optimal to be passed on,” she writes, noting that if evolution had a motto it would be: Good Enough. In every chapter she emphasizes that, for new traits in a population, the environment tests and the environment selects. 

Plus there is back matter! Pamela goes into race (a cultural construct), genetic drift, fossils, climate shifts, as well as timelines and resources for curious readers.

I enjoyed this book SO much that I had to ask Pamela a couple of questions. She was gracious enough to answer them…

me: So how did you come to the structure - and these seven steps in particular?

Pamela: The structure came about because I had always liked reading about human evolution but I felt like the lede got buried. The conventional approach is to spend a lot of time discussing who found what fossil when and how the discovery was received by the scientific community. In other words, a lot of emphasis on the history of paleoanthropology. And typically as a reader a LOT of confusing species names are thrown at you, especially since hominin species names have changed over time, or fossils have been shifted from one species to another as scientific understanding has improved. 

I decided I would focus on the seven most important changes from point A (the last common ancestor with chimps and bonobos) to point B (anatomically and cognitively modern humans). Seven of course has a certain cache. I came up with six of the steps right away--all were fairly obvious. The one that was least obvious was "We Take a Hike" (Step 4), which I wrestled with until I realized that expansion out of Africa was intimately tied to our ability to acquire ecological knowledge and pass it on to others. In other words, teaching and learning.

me:  Do you worry about the political (and anti-intellectual) environment surrounding books in schools and libraries? 

Pamela: The anti-intellectual environment surrounding books and libraries actually galvanizes me. A few years ago a reviewer of The Dolphins Of Shark Bay wrote something like: “It's a terrific book, except for all the evolution stuff.” Which inspired me to focus even more on “the evolution stuff” in Crow Smarts and, of course, How To Build A Human

I know Human is going to be challenged by Biblical literalists. My personal opinion (I was raised Southern Baptist) is that there are many notable passages in which Biblical authors describe the world in lovely, poetic language meant to invoke emotion, and that it’s unfair to expect the Bible to function simultaneously as poetry and biology textbook. We don’t, for example, draw principles of physics from the Bible. Job 26:7 says “[God] hangeth the earth upon nothing” but I've never heard anyone say that Job 26:7 negates Newtonian physics.

Thank you so much, Pamela! You can find out more about her and the books she’s written at her website. Also check out my reviews of her books, Crow Smarts and Samurai Rising (fast-paced biography)

Thanks for dropping by today. On Monday we'll be hanging out at Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with other  bloggers. It's over at Greg Pattridge's blog, Always in the Middle, so hop over to see what other people are reading. Review copy provided by the publisher.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Explore Outdoors ~ What was hiding beneath the snow

 My usual walk takes me past a wooded spot, and I noticed this plant that had been hidden beneath the snow all winter.

This weird double-berry is a partridge berry. It's a native plant here, growing along the forest floor. Wild turkeys, foxes, skunks, and mice eat the berries. So do partridge - which is probably how it got its name. The flowers are small and white, and grow in pairs. The berry results from a fusion of the twin ovaries. You can find out more about partridge berries from the US Forest Service here

What kind of "winter leftovers" do you notice this week?

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Poetry of Nature


Step gently out,
be still, 
and watch
a single blade
of grass.
So begins one of my favorite nature poems, which is also this book, written by Helen Frost and filled with the luscious close-up photography of Rick Lieder. It is a perfect go-to for Earth Day, or any time this Earth Day month. Or even any month of the year.
Going from page to page is like meandering slowly through a meadow filled with wildflowers. I feel like I can almost hear the bumblebees, feel the breeze, smell the fresh tang of spring soil. 
Reading this long, languid poem is good for the soul. So, too, is writing poetry.

At least that’s what I read somewhere. And being outside in nature is good for your health, too. I also read that somewhere. Writing poetry can also be a kind of meditation, because you need to take a moment or two to tap into what you are seeing, feeling, and experiencing.

This month is a perfect time to get outside and write some nature poetry. All you need is a pencil and a notebook. 

Find a place in nature that feels comfortable. Maybe it is a warm rock near a pond. Or maybe it’s a nice shady place beneath a tree in a park. It could be a trail or an overgrown hayfield, the bank of a stream or a garden.

Sit (or stand) quietly for a few minutes. Breathe in the fresh air. Listen to the sounds around you. Look at the environment as a whole. Then look at individual plants, insects, birds, stones, and other things that are in the environment.

List four or five things you observe about something. Maybe you are looking at a flower, or a worm. What do you notice? Write about what you feel, smell, hear.

Create a poem based on your observations. It can be a short poem or a long poem. It doesn’t have to rhyme, but it can. These small poems were written by my kids when they were about 8 or 9 years old.

Once you've written your poem, put it in your pocket so you can carry it around and share it with other people.

Looking for more Poetry Month ideas? Check out Christy Mihaly's wonderful post over at the GROG blog.

Friday, April 8, 2022

How Poems Grow and (even) take flight

 April is National Poetry Month, so I’m sharing two books that are filled with the movement and flow of poetry. They also highlight nature, sometimes the flowers and insects right outside your door.

theme: poetry, nature

Moving Words About a Flower 
by K. C. Hayes; illus by Barbara Chotiner 
40 pages; ages 3-7
‎Charlesbridge, 2022   

One summer day rain clouds rolled high above a gray city sidewalk.

From rainstorm to dandelion sprouting in a sidewalk crack, to a seed traveling and sprouting somewhere else, this book is all about how a flower grows and moves. Even more fun: it’s written as one long concrete (shape) poem. Words shape the stem, leaves, flower of the dandelion. Words shape the parachute seeds and, when the seeds sprout, the roots reaching into the soil.

Illustration copyright © 2022 by Barbara Chotiner

What I like love about this book: I love the idea of presenting the life story of a plant in poetry – and using the words to create the shapes is such a creative way to do it. For example: yellow lettering provides stripes of poetry on the abdomen of a bee! And I really did like the words forming roots… the shape poems will have kids taking second, third, and fourth looks at each spread.

And there is back matter (which you know I love)! That’s where kids can learn more about the life if a dandelion – including the very important fact that what looks like a flowerhead is really a cluster of many small flowers called florets. There’s info on how dandelions fly, when they bloom, and how tasty they are. 

If This Bird Had Pockets: A Poem in Your Pocket Day Celebration 
by Amy Ludwig Vanderwater; illus. by Emma J. Virján 
32 pages; ages 4-8
‎Wordsong, 2022  

If animals could write poems, what would they write about? What are their concerns, and observations about the world and their daily lives? 

There are no “first lines” to share, as such, but Amy Ludwig Vanderwater shares the first poem in this delightful video.

What I like about this book: I love the idea of animals writing their very own poems, from caribou sharing their thoughts on antlers to horseshoe crabs telling an ancient story. I especially like the monarch butterfly’s letter to a milkweed and “We Farm Fungus” by leafcutter ants. Each poem shares a secret about the animal, something we may not have known or thought about before. Just plain fun, mixed well with science.

Beyond the Books:

Count the dandelions growing in your yard or nearby. Notice the stage of their life: young plant, blooming, producing seeds. For those in flower, what insects are visiting them? You might find bees, beetles, butterflies, and more. You can find a downloadable activity packet at Charlesbridge.

Taste a dandelion – but make sure it hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals. Wash off the flower and taste a yellow floret. Sweet, right? You can sprinkle dandelion florets on top of a salad, or mix them in when you make tortillas, or sprinkle them on top of soup. Very young leaves are great in quiche – or, if you want to go crustless – a frittata. Even the seeds are edible, but take the fluffy parachute off first! And some people roast the roots and grind them up to brew like coffee. If you want a dandelion quiche recipe, check out Diet For a Changing Climate by Chris Mihaly and me.

Write a poem from the point of view of a bird, insect, or other animal that lives in your neighborhood. Then carry your poem in your pocket and go outside and read it to them. 

Today we're joining Perfect Picture Book Friday, an event where bloggers share great picture books at Susanna Leonard Hill's website. Review copies provided by the publishers.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Explore Outdoors ~ Signs of Spring

 I know, I know! I made a big deal about the First Day of Spring a couple weeks ago. And for a minute there, it looked like spring might be on its way.

And then it snowed. And sleeted. And possibly hailed somewhere across the valley. But a few days ago I was out walking and noticed .... 

Spring sneaks in at different times, depending on where you live. My friends in the southern US have flowers blooming in their gardens, while those farther to the north are still sweeping snow off their porches.
What Signs of Spring do you see in your yard and around your neighborhood?

Monday, April 4, 2022

Celebrating Poetry

April is National Poetry Month. There are so many ways to celebrate.

You could read a poem a day. You can find a new poem every day at the Poetry Foundation. If you’re looking for new work by contemporary poets, check out

You can celebrate National Poem in your Pocket Day (this year it’s April 28). Traditionally, people carry a small poem in their pocket, one they can pull out and share with others. Here’s a great resource for activities related to pocket-poem day.

You can write your own poems. They can be small enough to carry in your pocket or long enough to take up an entire page. The cool thing about poetry: you don’t have to be an expert to write poetry. In fact, you don’t even have to write things that rhyme! All you need is a pencil, a scrap of paper, and this handy-dandy poetic license.

Here’s one I wrote a couple years ago about springtime around my house:

Mom says I have muddy feet – 
playing in the garden feet,
chasing Monarch butterflies 
and watching tiger beetle feet,
standing still while crickets hop across my toes
with tickly feet.
But when mom hollers “grandma’s here”
I race back home on speedy feet.

I invite you to share one of your poems in the comments below. Have fun!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Busy Bugs are All Around You

Hustle Bustle Bugs 
by Catherine Bailey; illus. by Lauren Eldridge 
40 pages; ages 4-8
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2022

theme: insects, nature, 

Secret cities buzz and bustle /with itty-bitty hard-work hustle.

In rhyming couplets, Catherine Bailey shows bugs busy at work. Ants build a colony. Ladybugs on pest patrol. Dung beetles rolling … yeah, dung. Butterflies and bees, fireflies and caterpillars… every bug has a job to do, even if it’s a cricket crooning a tune to the moon.

What I like about this book: There is back matter! Kids – and parents – will want to know more about the insects introduced in the pages. So Catherine provides Buggy Facts, and highlights the best bits that make great sharing at the lunch table: did you know grasshoppers have ears on their bellies?

I also like the illustrations. They look like a mix of toys, like plastic insects, and landscapes.

Lauren: Yeah, but I didn’t use any toys. I made everything by hand.

Turns out that Lauren tells all about how she did the illustrations in her “Note from the Artist” at the back of the book. Because the book is about exploring the environment, she decided to incorporate as many things from the natural environment as she could: dried flowers, sticks, dirt, grass. 

me: But what about the ants and beetles and butterflies?

Lauren explains that, too. She used wire, epoxy putty, tinfoil, polymer clay, mini foam footballs, and vellum to construct the bugs. Except for the butterfly wings, she says. For those, she used yupo paper and alcohol inks. 

I’ve played around with yupo paper and alcohol inks, and it is a lot of fun! You can get some nice stained-glass effects.

To pull it all together, Lauren began by photographing the settings. Then she photographed the bugs and the human characters, and pieced several photos together to create each scene.

Usually at this point I would ask the author a question. But Catherine will be over at the GROG blog on the 20th to talk about bugs and how she came to write this book. Catch her there...

Beyond the Books:

Where do the bugs hang out in your neighborhood? Look for spider webs, ant mounds, caterpillar tents and other evidence of bug homes in your backyard or at a local park. Be careful if you find a wasp nest – wasps have sharp stingers and some of them are not averse to using them.

Spend time watching a bug. If there are ants in a line, where are they going? What are they doing? I once watched a crew of ants drag a large, dead butterfly home. Supper maybe?

Make your own Busy Bug illustration. Use clay and things from the recycling bin ( tinfoil, plastic containers) to construct a bug. Pipe cleaners come in handy – so do toothpicks and beads, grapes, raisins, tissue paper, and heavy paper. Once you’ve built a bug or two, create a scene with grass and pebbles or soil, and take a photo.

Catherine Bailey is a member of #STEAMTeam2022. You can find out more about her at her website.

Today we're joining Perfect Picture Book Friday, an event where bloggers share great picture books at Susanna Leonard Hill's website. Reviewed from a pdf provided by the author.